Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Texas style fun...

Rex had a workshop to teach in Dallas for two weeks. After enduring two miserable weeks away from each other in December we decided we needed a visit in the middle of two week workshops (whenever possible) to prevent us from dying. OK... that's a bit dramatic, but we are newlyweds! Honestly, I hope we'll always feel this way. Since it's just the two of us and we spend our lunch hours, evenings and weekends together a two week break is painfully long!

We had a great time seeing Daniel, Christie and Lucy! What a beautiful family. Lucy is so smart and sweet. She is a precious little angel. We really bonded while playing. She loves running from one end of the house to the other screaming and giggling. I'd say, "READY, SET..." and she'd say, "GO!" and take off running. She runs so cute!

We had fun watching her open her Easter gifts. We got her a sweet, princess-like dress in soft pink and brown, but her favs were the accessories. Christie said she loves shoes, purses, jewelry, etc. It was so cute watching G-Dad help her put on her frilly little socks and try his best to put on her new shoes. She was curling her toes and not making it easy. Lol!

We watched her for the evening so Daniel and Christie could go out on a date. Lucy helped G-Dad make some congs and then they spent hours reading and exploring the book store. They truly have a special bond!

Rex had to work Monday so I entertained myself by swimming, sitting in the hot tub, shopping, etc. I was sitting in the hot tub at 10 a.m. Monday morning thinking, "this is a great way to start a new week...I'd highly recommend it." What a nice break from my normal manic Monday!

Monday evening we went to Fort Worth to Rex's old stompin' grounds. It was fun seeing places he's talked about like his old work and neighborhood. He seemed to enjoy his visit down memory lane. It's such a bitter sweet thing having your kids grow up. He showed me the kids old school and said things like..."Scottee and I would spend hours kicking a soccer ball around on that field."

We went to dinner at his old fav...Cousin's BBQ and then had dessert (two fork cheesecake with white chocolate and strawberry sauce) at Saltgrass Steak House...YUH-UM!!

We have a blessed life! The quality of our lives is so much better since we met and especially since we married. I wish everyone could experience a love this amazing, this right!