Sunday, March 6, 2011

Alivia arrives in a hurry...Happy Birthday 3-05-2011

March 5th started out pretty eventful for the Leany family. Natalie had been having contractions off and on since midnight and by 3:30 a.m. she was no longer able to sleep through them. She called me at 4:45 a.m. and told me she thought she was in labor. She said, "why don't you go back to sleep for awhile and I'll call you when they get more regular." Within a half an hour she called and said they were heading to the hospital because the contractions had become steady and painful. Her sis Dallas came to the house to watch Cameron and she and Spencer headed for the U of U hospital. Well...half way to the hospital the bearing down pains became so strong that she felt like she was going to deliver the baby right there in the car. Spencer called 911 and they instructed him to pull over and wait for an ambulance. Natalie was taken in by ambulance and found to be 9+ cm dilated. She had been through enough by this time and begged for an epidural (and got it!). She delivered Alivia shortly after at 6:46 a.m.

Her doctor tried to make it to them on the freeway but the ambulance beat him. He arrived at the hospital in time to deliver her. He said she would have been his first road side delivery had that happened. We owe a big thanks to Dr. Draper for being such a wonderful doctor! I got to Salt Lake by 10:30 and spend the rest of the day with them. Dallas brought Cameron up to the hospital around noon. He was really sweet with Alivia. Dallas captured their first moments together in precious!

Eventually, Cameron and I headed to their home for the evening and had more fun playing and snuggling. He is such a good boy and is going to be an amazing big brother! Alivia is so sweet and seems so tiny. She weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and is 20 1/2 inches long. She has lots of light brown hair. She is a precious little angel! Natalie will be coming home on Sunday. She sure was a trooper through this crazy ordeal! Spencer has been right by her side. I'm grateful for what a good husband and daddy he is to my daughter and grandchildren.


  1. I'm glad everything turned out okay! Such a precious family! Congrats on being a grandma again:)

  2. I love the grandma picture!! So Sweeet! Can't wait to meet that little angel.
