Thursday, November 10, 2011

A good day...

Today was such a good day! I originally had the day off (well the next 10 days off) because I was going to be in Rome with my gorgeous husband. Well, multiple factors caused us to change our vacation plans (that's another story), but I decided to use today as a "get caught up at work" day. I woke up happy, enjoyed the morning with my husband and made it to the clinic by 9 a.m. I worked on my task list all morning and got a lot done. Rex and I met for lunch and we were able to relax and take our time eating. I even had time for a few errands before heading back to work. Ahhhh, a 2 hour lunch break...I highly recommend it! I left my office feeling great...desk cleaned off for the first time in weeks and I ended the day with less work than I had started with (not always the case). After work, Rex and I went to a church social. They had a local artist as a guest speaker and she was fabulous! We hit the hot tub and then intended to crashed for the night. Except, I couldn't sleep. I didn't run myself ragged today so I have all of this energy! I love my life and I feel especially grateful on a day like today when I've been able to slow down a little and appreciate it.

empty "in" box at work!

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