Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Conner Family Reunion 2013

Conner Family Round Up 2013
The 2013 Conner Family Reunion was a huge success! Rex's girls did an amazing job organizing it and everything turned out really nice. Rex and all of his siblings (along with many of the kids and grandkids) were there to join in the fun! We loved every minute with those who were there and missed those who couldn't make it this year. What a great family, we love you all so much!

Rex, Teresa, Janis and Clif

Welcome Y'ALL

A seriously good lookin' bunch!

Tribute to parents and niece

Team Red and Team Blue

Sistas...Janis, Teresa and Lisa

Kimmie, Kailey, Christie and Melissa

Natalie and Spencer

Summer and Kimmie
Jeff and Lori
G-Dad and Lucy making congo bars

Spencer, Cameron, Lucy, Livi and Rex. Cameron was so cute jumping in the pool over and over and Lucy was "so happy" because she was swimming by herself.

A bunch of the gang with Kailey and Melissa in the center. Awesome cousin time!

Melissa and Kimmie preparing games

Mike and Teresa making a yummy breakfast for the gang!
Lydia, Livi and Lucy (3 of our 4 grandkids)

sweet little cousins playing together

Lydia and Livi holding hands...so cute!
Digging for gold

Natalie and Melissa

horse racing game

Donut eating contest

Men's horse racing...wildly competitive bunch...hilarious!

water volleyball

Mike, Kitty and Krew poolside

Jeff, Davien, Craig and Kayson

Charles and Clif

Clif, Natalie, Christie, Preston, Spencer and Kayson discussing the purpose of life (with Rex, Lisa and Mike)

Janis, Bria, Teresa and Mike

Krew and Craig
Happy 72nd birthday, Barry!

Colby and Kailey

Tyler, Bria and Summer


Colby and Alex



Lucy, Livi, Lydia and Cameron (our 4 grandkids)

Lydia, Lucy and Daniel

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Arizona Fun!

We love spending time with our family in AZ. Last weekend we made a quick trip to see Lucy's 1st dance recital and celebrate Lucy and Kimmie's birthdays. It's truly non-stop fun from the time we get there until the time we leave.

Highlights: Lucy's dance recital, Lucy's birthday party, Lucy/Lydia and G-Dad making congo bars, Steak and congs with the gang, Gramma playing "puppies" with Lucy, going to a movie in a theater that also serves dinner (what a brilliant concept) with Kimmie, Melissa, Colette, Rex and myself; celebrating Kimmie's birthday and waking up to a sweet note and breakfast from Kimmie and Melissa (for Mother's Day).

Then we came home to more sweet Mother's Day spoiling (flowers from Kailey, a new robe from Rex, a manicure from Kayla/Tyler, flowers and chocolate from Natalie's family and an amazing crab and steak dinner with the Southwicks). We love our family so much! Thanks for being so good to us!

Lucy and G-Dad at Lucy's 1st dance recital

Lydia and Melissa at Lucy's dance recital

Lucy's star at her dance recital

Lucy, G-Dad, Lydia and Gramma at Lucy's dance recital

Lucy and her star

Happy 4th birthday Lucy! Make a wish!

Melissa and Lucy at Lucy's birthday party

Lydia, Lucy and Kimmie setting up the birthday desserts! YUM!

Christie (mommy) and Lucy reading birthday wishes from G-Dad and Gramma

Daniel (daddy), Lucy and Lydia checking out the princess playdough set

Celebrating Kimmie's birthday with a congo bar with a candle on top and a Martinelli toast

Make a wish! Sure you can be 27 if you want!

Kimmie and Rex...toasting to a wonderful year for Kimmie!

Kimmie and Kobe opening presents
Beautiful flowers from Kailey
Mother's Day flowers and chocolate from Natalie